Be it on your yoga mat or in session your body will orchestrate its journey and bring to the surface what no longer serves you in the moment.
My awareness has brought me this valuable wisdom “When we know more, we do more and if we know better we do better.” This phrase, less is more, is rather powerful. If you think about it, the more we feed our thoughts, be it positive or less than, these thoughts grow. It becomes a feeling, an emotion and physical sensation and so on. This in turn comes to the surface and can pre-determine the outcome of a situation, experience or event.

“Not all that we experience is pleasant, nor is it permanent.”
The wonderful attribute of self-healing IS THAT YOU aren’t alone, there are many supports and all that you need is too deep within you – it is the mind that somewhat plays a PART IN TELLING US AN OLD STORY, belief or past trauma. Being in a constant fight-flight, freeze, fawn response is driven by one’s Sympathetic Nervous System. When we recentre, reconnect, create breath awareness, ground into the moment, being as present as possible we can change our bodies’ responses and become more attuned to our Parasympathetic Nervous System, feeling more calm, present and relaxed.

Remembering that you have the ability to bring forth the shifts that create a ripple of change not only for yourself, this is inclusive of your loved ones, your ancestors, past, present and emerging. You are powerful.
Be Your Light is a vessel for Yoga, Meditation, Movement, Self-Healing Modalities and encouraging one to nurture all aspects of oneself, with kindness, compassion and ease.
We are all unique, as will be your experience with your personality-designed Yoga Session or Treatment. Providing a safe environment is paramount to letting go of what no longer serves you in this very moment.
Incorporating Intuitive Touch with Holistic Healing for a stronger more resilient Foundation for anyone who is ready to do the work
In the session, your body will bring forth with its unique awareness, intelligence and wisdom the priorities that require support in this moment.

Imagine this as each day is a new beginning and with this new day, you are a new being, each chapter of you can be softened so that it no longer is a pattern or survival mechanism. Each response can be lessened from the previous and new transitions are very possible.
Our bodies communicate to us all the time, the key points sometimes get missed and in turn, we keep on going and another message is sent and not addressed, heard or acknowledged. This is when things build to a point of excess – being a response energetically, emotionally, environmentally, mentally, spiritually and so on.
Through each transition of your healing process, you will be held in what I would describe as a safe container, a vail of compassion, a cocoon of peaceful protection, where nurturing and honouring your vessel is paramount. Your body, your mind, your well-being, your mental and your spiritual health and all of the subtle layers of you lay together as one. As you, the client navigates each priority.
Your Innate wisdom is within you, all that you require is within your body, our minds can tend to look for distractions, a state of desire or pleasure something that takes from the sensations of an experience so that we can survive, feel different or not feel. This can assist in the moment yet in time does not resolve the situation, memory, physical sensation, issue or experience. It will arrive again to be held and supported so that you can move forward and heal.
You matter. It is essential to be acknowledged, seen and heard.
Ignite your commitment to self, activate your inner healing, align your energies systems, create the freedom you deserve and soften into your wonderful self.
with Gratitude
Be Your Light

Hatha Yoga Facilitator
RYT 350 hours
Level 2 Teacher
Certified Mindfulness Assistant
Diploma Remedial Massage
Diploma Kinesiology
Certified Aromatherapist
Certification in Emotional First Aid for Trauma
Inner Child First Aid
Rahanni Level 1 Practitioner Certified
Reiki Master
Mat Pilates Instructor and Barre Instructor
Professionally registered.